Akelli is an upcoming Hindi movie scheduled to be released on 18 Aug, 2023. The movie is directed by Pranay Meshram and will feature Nushrat Bharucha, Amir Boutrous and Nishant Dahiya as lead characters. A middle class girl Jyoti. Who deals with financial issues. The story shows how Jyoti tackle those obstacles. Watch the Official Teaser from Hindi movie ‘Akelli’ starring Nushrratt Bharuccha, Tsahi Halevi, Amir Boutrous and Nishant Dahiya. ‘Akelli’ movie is directed by Pranay Meshram and produced by Ninad Vaidya, Nitin Vaidya, Aparna Padgaonkar, Shashant Shah and Vicky Sidana. To know more about ‘Akelli’ Teaser watch the video. Check out the latest Hindi Teasers, new movie Teasers, trending Hindi movie Teasers, and more at ETimes – Times of India Entertainment.
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